Tommaso d'Orsi
Email: tommaso (dot) dorsi (at) unibocconi (dot) it
Office: 2-C1-17, Via Roentgen 1, 20136 Milan, Italy
I am an Assistant Professor in the department of Computing Sciences at Bocconi. I am part of the Theory group.
I am broadly interested in computer science, from both a theoretical and applied perspective. My research focuses on algorithm design, computational complexity, learning theory and privacy.
I received my PhD from ETH Zurich where I was fortunate to have David Steurer as my advisor. After that,
I spent a year as a Research Fellow at Bocconi hosted by Luca Trevisan.
I am a frequent visitor of Google Research, where I spent part of my PhD and postdoc.
Winter 2024: (0874) Algorithms for Optimization and Inference [Blackboard]
Office hours: by appointment.
Sparsest cut and eigenvalue multiplicities on low degree Abelian Cayley graphs
Chris Jones,
Jake Ruotolo,
Salil Vadhan and
Jiyu Zhang,
Learning-augmented approximation algorithms for maximum cut and related problems
Vincent Cohen-Addad,
Anupam Gupta,
Euiwoong Lee and
Debmalya Panigrahi,
NeurIPS 2024.
A Near-Linear Time Approximation Algorithm for Beyond-Worst-Case Graph Clustering
Vincent Cohen-Addad,
and Aida Mousavifar,
ICML 2024.
Multi-View Stochastic Block Models
Vincent Cohen-Addad,
Silvio Lattanzi,
and Rajai Nasser,
ICML 2024.
Perturb-and-Project: Differentially Private Similarities and Marginals
Vincent Cohen-Addad,
Alessandro Epasto,
Vahab Mirrokni
and Peilin Zhong,
ICML 2024 (spotlight), TPDP 2024.
Private graphon estimation via sum-of-squares
Hongjie Chen,
Jingqiu Ding, Yiding Hua, Chih-Hung Liu
and David Steurer,
STOC 2024.
Private estimation algorithms for stochastic block models and mixture models
Hongjie Chen,
Vincent Cohen-Addad,
Alessandro Epasto,
Jacob Imola,
David Steurer,
and Stefan Tiegel,
NeurIPS 2023 (spotlight).
Information-computation gaps in robust statistics
Dissertation. Recepient of the ETH Medal 2023.
Reaching the Kesten-Stigum Threshold in the Stochastic Block Model under Node Corruptions
Jingqiu Ding, Yiding Hua,
David Steurer,
COLT 2023.
A Ihara-Bass formula for non-boolean matrices and strong refutations of random CSPs
Luca Trevisan, CCC 2023.
Higher degree sum-of-squares relaxations robust against oblivious outliers
Rajai Nasser, Gleb Novikov and David Steurer,
SODA 2023.
On the well-spread property and its relation to linear regression
Hongjie Chen, COLT 2022.
Fast algorithm for overcomplete order-3 tensor decomposition
Jingqiu Ding, Chih-Hung Liu, David Steurer and Stefan Tiegel, COLT 2022.
Robust Recovery for Stochastic Block Models
Jingqiu Ding, Rajai Nasser and David Steurer,
FOCS 2021.
Consistent Estimation for PCA and Sparse Regression with Oblivious Outliers
Chih-Hung Liu, Rajai Nasser, Gleb Novikov, David Steurer and Stefan Tiegel,
NeurIPS 2021.
The Complexity of Sparse Tensor PCA
Davin Choo,
NeurIPS 2021.
Consistent regression when oblivious outliers overwhelm
Gleb Novikov and David Steurer,
ICML 2021.
Sparse PCA: Algorithms, Adversarial Perturbations and Certificates
Pravesh Kothari, Gleb Novikov and David Steurer,
FOCS 2020.
Coloring graphs with no clique immersion
Paul Wollan,